Home Insurance Companies In New York Can No Longer Discriminate Against Dog Breeds

Did you know that home insurance companies can discriminate coverage to pet owners based on their dog’s breed?
Well, that is no longer an issue in the state of New York, where new legislation was passed.
According to the Times Union, pet owners are celebrating the passage of the law that states home insurance providers can no longer refuse coverage to pet owners based on their dog’s breed.

Before this law passed, insurance companies held the right to deny homeowner coverage if they felt that certain dog breeds would potentially become “aggressive.” Pitbulls were often targeted by these policies, as well as German shepherds and Doberman pinschers.
Under the old laws, insurance companies could also raise insurance premiums based on what kind of dog the homeowners had.
For a while, animal rights activists have been lobbying for a ban on these allowances citing that these dog breed stereotypes are actually harmful. They noted that aggressive dogs come from the factors in their environment rather than their genetics.

In addition, animal rights groups shared that punishing pet owners with breed-specific discrimination can have an indirect effect on the euthanization of hard-to-adopt dog breeds. Pitbulls happen to make up a huge number of all shelter dogs, and with such laws or policies targeting the breed, they could end up discouraging potential owners from adopting them.
But in October of 2021, the legislation banning dog-breed discrimination was signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul and has recently taken effect.

While it might be a victory for pet owners in New York, there are still other states where certain dog breeds are stigmatized. For example, in certain areas of Florida, pit bulls are outright banned altogether. Hopefully the passage of this new legislation will help things start to change across the country.
What do you think of the new legislation? Let us know!
The post Home Insurance Companies In New York Can No Longer Discriminate Against Dog Breeds appeared first on The Animal Rescue Site News.
This content was originally published here.