Michigan reopens Obamacare health insurance enrollment

Michigan has joined nearly two dozen states in reopening the Obamacare health insurance marketplace during a special enrollment period that runs now through May 15.
Last month, President Joe Biden signed an executive order that directed the federally run HealthCare.gov to reopen enrollment for people who lost coverage because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Michigan is one of about 20 states that participate in the federal program. Another 14 states that operate their own insurance exchanges have the option to allow consumers to purchase subsidized health insurance.
At least 90 percent of people who signed up last year for health insurance coverage through the Obamacare marketplace were eligible to receive federal subsidies. Of those, 75 percent received coverage for less than $50 per month.
“No Michigander should ever have to worry about accessing quality, affordable health care, especially in the middle of a pandemic when there are still thousands without health coverage,” said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in a statement. “Expanding opportunity and choice for Michiganders is one of our top priorities and President Biden’s executive order will go a long way toward helping us achieve our goal.”
Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan said the pandemic has confirmed the need to further expand health care access and affordable health insurance.
“I’ll continue working to address this pandemic and ensure Michigan families have the support and assistance they need to get through this challenging time,” Peters said in a statement.
Anita Fox, director of the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services, said Whitmer was the first governor last year to call for a special enrollment period.
Over the past several years, former President Trump cut enrollment periods for Obamacare to 45 days from 90 days and nearly eliminated advertising for the marketplace. In 2020, 11.4 million people signed up for Obamacare, 10 percent fewer than the 12.7 million people in 2016.
“It is important that Michiganders take advantage of this limited special enrollment period if they do not currently have health insurance coverage, and that they do not wait until it is again too late to protect themselves and their families,” Fox said in a statement.
For more information, click here to go to the Obamacare marketplace website, or call 800-318-2596.
To enroll in Medicaid coverage under Healthy Michigan, click here or call 855-789-5610.
This content was originally published here.